Sunday, March 19, 2006

And they will be fed.

Ok, so I've finished reading the following books

The Universe is a Green Dragon

by Brian Swimme

Befriending the Earth
By Thomas Berry with Thomas S.J.

by J.E. Lovelock

The Universe Story
By Brian Swimme and Thomas Berry

Here's a picture inspired by this work that I've completed.

These books were a lot to take in, and I feel the better for going through them. I've learned about the big picture of the organization/process that has bought us to the now. About how it is our resposibility to be aware of this story which we are a part of. No matter how many religions and perspectives, they are all one story with one source leading up to us.
I've also gone to watch V for Vendetta and Syriana within the weekend and I've been left with a mind that is spinning and questioning of the world, though these products of imaginations can be reffered to as celluloid distractions they too carry the message.
Everything does, every atom has the one story within, our bodies and waste.

We cannot ignore our evolution, we must be mindful of our actions and choices. The time will come when the horror of the world will fully stand before us and we must remember who we are. No matter how bad it gets, there is always a way.

I found these works to be very reassuring that no matter what the process continues. They also remind me of the hermetic teachings, "above as below."
Change yourself and the world will follow. Opstimistic? Perhaps.
I still believe in my power. In the power of ideas.

Just reading about how the universe formed, how it developped from hopelessness to miracles.
We are all in it together, lets not fight it. We can all get out together, out of our lies.
Freedom through knowlede, knowledge from within.
We can't be alone, ever.

Let our wish be the wish of the earth. Let us look and partake in communion within.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful post! Beautiful words, and a beautiful picture! I'm glad that you can be optimistic. It inspires me to do the same.
